Men don’t usually like to date shy girls; they want to date girls with experience. They want to experience everything with the ones they date; they don’t really want to teach them what they already had to know. Men believe that women should know some tips about dating and sex for the relationship to be successful.
What they want you to know about dating
When a man asks you out, he expects you to know what you should do and when you should do it; he expects you to know how to make him wants more. First thing you should know is his type; so, you should know how to impress him. Also, you should know what topics to bring and what topics to avoid especially on the first date, for example you should never ever talk about marriage, commitment and children on a first date because this will scare the hell out of him.
Let things go smoothly… men hate to complicate things; if he asks you about your life, don’t start telling him that it’s a mess, you will scare him! Don’t talk about yourself too much and don’t let him talk all the time, you should know how to make a balance. Moreover; maintain eye contact while the conversation is going as much as possible; this will give him the feeling that you are interested.
Be direct when talking about future plans, don’t make him feel that you are lost and you are waiting for him to do all the work! Always appreciate his honesty no matter how it will surprise you sometimes; men consider honesty and communication the key of success of the relationship and they expect you to be the same.
What they want you to know about sex
Sexual satisfaction is the main reason of a happy relationship. Sex life is really important in any relationship for both partners, men suppose you understand that they also have needs; it’s not only about your pleasure. If you want to understand your man’s sexual needs, you have to have sex with him lots and lots of times, there is no other way to know! There is no fail-safe formula for all men. You should also know that we don’t ALWAYS want to have sex; not all the time!
Most of men want to try anal even if they don’t mention it! So, feel free to bring it on if he doesn’t because he surely wants to try everything with you. Always praise his sexual performance; it’s one of the most important parts of the sex act and don’t forget to mention how big his penis is no matter how big or tiny it is! Yup, men do care about what you think of the size of their penis.
Also, they love it when you love your body; you must ignore your flaws because they will, so don’t make him feel that you are insecure because this will make him feel uncomfortable. What men mostly want in bed is confidence so, no need to be shy, just speak out loud and have fun.
Cuddling is loved by men too not only by women. You don’t always have to get laid; sometimes cuddling is all what he wants. Never underestimate the power of kisses; sometimes kissing is what gets him into the mood. Don’t feel shy letting him know that you are in the mood; they love it when you take the lead sometimes. Be honest about what you like and what you don’t like; he will appreciate that because he enjoys pleasing you.