could have a much worse layout in our eyes, but as far as we were concerned, it just didn’t stand out of the crowd. This site comes off as very generic, and as far as being able to make it as a great way to meet women online, this site just won’t make the grade.
Spending time here makes it very clear that there are only a limited number of options available here in terms of actually making use of the site. There’s a search feature, basic profiles, and a messaging system–none of which are impressive, and that really contributes to the lack of activity that we found during our stay here. It needs to really amp up its game.
The results didn’t give us what we wanted.
As we spent time on our Loveaholics review, we weren’t all that happy with what we found. This was a site that didn’t give us anything but a really boring experience for three months, and even sending out a total of 110 chat messages didn’t exactly get the job done.
From those 110 messages to women that looked at least vaguely promising, not a single one of them would end up chatting back with us. This was a total miss, and it really seals the deal about this particular site being a dud in our opinion. The site was boring and it just doesn’t have a lot of ladies on it.
According to our tests. You should not subscribe on LoveAholics. It didn’t work for us. Instead, we will recommend you to use one of those dating sites for serious relationships.
When it comes to features, there’s nothing.
We like to see at least something stand out on a dating site, but as far as the Loveaholics site goes, there’s just not much to it. This is a site that really needs to branch out, bring in more advertising, and actually encourage more people to stick around. Right now, women and men alike are going to get bored here.
The biggest problem we ran into when using this site was their search engine. There’s not a lot of boxes for you to check and narrow it down, and that means that you’ll basically just be looking for women in your geographical area and not much else. That’s just not enough!
You can skip out on
While we really want to find sites that will connect you to women, this is just not one of them. This is a site that’s only going to end up giving you a headache the longer you use it, and that’s why we couldn’t wait to be done with Loveaholics.