is a hookup site that looks clean and classy from the start. The layout features a couple being quite intimate on the front page, but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to end up discouraging ladies from join. It looks classy and elegant, as opposed to something you’d see on a porn site.
The way that a hookup site presents its own landing page is something that you should always be taking note of, and that’s exactly what we did whenever we used this site for the first time. The site isn’t just nice to look at, however. It’s also easy to use, with simple navigation that even newbies shouldn’t have any issues getting the hang of.

Another huge plus of this particular hookup site is the price range. It says that it’s free, and that means that it’s free. ‘Totally free hookups’ is the tagline here, and they do mean that–you aren’t going to end up having to empty your wallet just because this site is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. It’s the real deal, and you don’t have to pay a cent to have fun.
Our stay here was a very relaxing one courtesy of the solid activity that we were always able to find on this site, and it also makes it easy for members to find exactly what they want from the get-go. You’ll see on the main page that they have tabs for men seeking women, women seeking women, and so on and so forth. This equal-opportunity hookup site automatically wins points for that.
So, those numbers.
The results were very clear during our FreeHookups review, and that’s that this particular site really does stand out in terms of quality. You’ll see that from those 110 messages that we sent out definitely had a great amount of return over the three months that we spent here. Basically, this site delivered quality.
From those 110 messages, we had a grand total of 45 responses, which immediately made us perk up our heads and pay attention. That’s an excellent amount of return, especially when it comes to a site that you want to get laid on. The girls here really do take the site seriously.
From those 45 responses, the return was even better, and a total of 39 of them set up dates with us. We were really raring to go, and when a total of 35 ladies ended up showing up for our dates, we had an excellent time. This site definitely delivered in terms of actual turnaround.
From those 35 women that showed up to our dates, we ended up sleeping with a total of 32 of them. This ratio was fantastic, and we would gladly come back to this site in the future for another romp or ten. It delivers, helps us meet a lot of fun ladies, and all in all, the FreeHookups site gave us what we came for.
The features aren’t bad, either.
This is a site with a ton of great qualities to it, and the more time that we spent here, the more we realized that. You aren’t going to be bored, waiting around for women to reply to your messages. You can actually chat on the site while you wait, and that helps you meet even more women, which is why this site is so successful.
The messaging system here is solid. It’s easy to keep track of the messages that you’ve sent, and it’s also easy to have a contact list here. You’re basically going to create a list of your favorites, and you can end up contacting those women if you want to hookup with them again in the future.
The price is definitely right, too. We rarely end up wanting to spend a ton of cash on these kinds of sites, but for this particular hookup site, it’s just plain free. Sites like FreeHookups need to be higher in quantity, considering the kind of quality that you’ll find here.
Finally, you’ll appreciate that the site advertises frequently and thoroughly, but it’s never obtrusive to you. It’s all to bring in more clients, which means that you’ll often end up seeing a lot of FreeHookups discounts that show up in your e-mail inbox if you subscribe to their newsletters.
The site is one that you can count on for hookups.
Our stay on this site made it readily apparent that you can definitely get laid while using, and that means that you shouldn’t be hesitating to use it. This is a site that can give you everything that you want in a neat package, and it’s simply fun to use. With an easy, elegant layout, you’ll also see how it attracts a ton of ladies.
We don’t want you to ever limit yourself with hook up sites, and that’s why you need to really check this one out and have a ball with it. The women on here are fun and flirty, and they want to get down and dirty sooner rather than later. There’s not a lot of beating around the bush.
Check out this site with our other awesome hookup options, such as SocialSex. You’ll find that you’re never without a hot lay, and you’ll end up wanting to come back for more all the time. These are the sites that you can trust, and that’s something that we’ve seen over time in our experiences. Trust us!