Getting to third base can seem really like a very complex task. They say a woman is like a car because it is similar or symbolic of how your and her actions flow together. Like a car, it takes the right tools, knowledge about engine and carfacts, to start the ignition and ride out. Patience is a virtue you must have.
Be Her Entertainment
Those first night out means everything. After you guys have probably texted all yesterday and this morning, you wonder just how to feel about your date tonite. Don’t be too anxious and let her do the talking. Although on most first timers a girl will not reveal too much of herself. The key to it is that most women on the first date are in observation mode. They really want you entertaining. Find ways to entertain for the day such as stand up comedy, movie, art show or live presentations. Let your nervousness go and put it all in tonite.
Keep Focus
If a woman is already physically attracted to you, the chances to score are high but remembers she watches your character closely. Personality comes into play with the bang game. Questions are going to pour in as her interest of you grows, if the day is going on. A curiosity of a blast of your past will not hurt your chances if the good parts are mentioned. Remember, smartness is okay, stating a few lines of historic dates and names will let her know you like to learn. Keeping entertaining, pay attention to her smiles and stay patient.
Implement Your Character
The last thing you want to do is come on too strong and run her away. Try not go overboard when complimenting her. Please sure you do tell ask her if she is enjoying herself a few times during the date. As akways, music let’s out the inner core of a person. Make like a game when taking turns quoting you and her favorite music topics and lyrics. She’ll ease closer to you as the evening rolls out and the touch of her skin makes you pull her nearer. The more conversation she gives the luckier you get put some inspiration into her. Be prepared for the journey back to her house or possible yours.
Sealing the Deal
As the night goes by, you are probably wondering if she’s thinking of kissing you or letting you kiss her. By this time, if she is still smiling, then most likely she getting in tuned with who you are and how you could please her even farther. This is when you pop out your questions. Did you have nice time tonight? Even reassure her that you had a good time and you haven’t had a good time a long time. Wait for her response but be sure to keep eye contact. If she replys and she will if both of you genuinely liked each other’s company. Then you pop the hit question. What you like come back to my place? As you have been getting her smiles all-day, a nod of her head says yes and mission is accomplished.
So if getting to third base is your goal, please do not rush. If it is meant, you will score. Keep track of any signs of teasing she’s throwing at you through the nite. It all begins with patience. From there, keep active and fun, stay motivated and focus, do not get too prideful, and show her the person you really are. In the end, being you will pay off.