When it comes to dating, there are several ways that a man might accidentally slip up and make the wrong move. But, even though it might be easy to make some of these common dating mistakes, there are plenty of things that a man can to do avoid embarrassing himself.
If going to a bar or lounge, don’t get drunk
Bars and lounges are a common locations for a first date. By choose a quiet and classy place, a couple can enjoy a few cocktails to ease any nervous feelings they might be having. While this can be a great way to start a date, it’s important to know your limits. It’s one thing to go out to a dive bar with your friends, get a little drunk and hit on some of the women you meet. It’s a completely different story to be out on a date at a nice lounge getting completely wasted off of fancy drinks.

Avoid foods that might be sloppy or gross
When a couple has been together for a long time, pretty much anything goes. They get relaxed with one another and nothing phases them anymore. However, when going on a first date or still getting to know someone, there are a few things you might want to avoid. Going somewhere where the food is sloppy might be one of them. While it might not bother some women, most women won’t exactly be impressed when half of your chili dog is all over the front of your shirt, or when your breath is smelling strongly of garlic.

Don’t neglect your appearance
One of the biggest a man can make is not putting any effort into his appearance. If he shows up for a day wearing ratty looking clothes, sporting stubble and smelling like he hasn’t showered in a couple of days, his date is immediately going to be put off.
Don’t talk too much about past relationships
Whether speaking negatively or positively, it’s important for a man to not keep the conversation lingering too long on past relationships. Appearing too hung up on a past relationship might make a woman feel like the man isn’t really ready to move on and start something new. If a man spends a good portion of the date bad mouthing an ex, it could also make the woman hesitant to continue on with things since she might worry that she’s just going to be a future complaint.
Leave the kids at home
If a man already has kids, then he should most definitely tell his date before they even arrange their first meeting. However, when it comes to getting to know a woman, it’s better to leave the kids at home. While it will be important for her to be a part of their lives if things go well, overwhelming her right off the bat is never a good idea. Allow her the time to get to know you first, then introduce the kids.