Finding the right girl to date is not an easy task. You may feel like you are never going to find the perfect girlfriend. Going through a ton of relationships can be tough, especially when you feel like you are missing out on finding love. If you feel worried that you are going to let the perfect woman slipped through your fingertips without even realizing it, here are some of the signs you might want to look out for that could tell you she’s the right one for you.
You fight, but the fights blow over.
Fighting is healthy in a relationship, believe it or not. You need to be able to fight with your girlfriend and bounce back from it. Fights should not be a catastrophic event that you can never recover from. You should be able to communicate with each other and make up after each fight. You don’t want to fight too often, but a few fights here and there will be okay. It’s important to look at how you recover from the fights in order to tell if she’s the right one.

You really can connect with her emotionally.
Connecting emotionally is the basis for a perfect relationship. If you feel like you really can connect with your girlfriend on an emotional level and not be embarrassed about it, she is not one you want to let go. If you are having trouble connecting with the women that you meet in person, it may be time for you to try some of the best dating sites out there in order to find the right types of women. An emotional connection goes a very long way in making sure that your relationship with the perfect girl goes well.

She has traits you didn’t even know you wanted.
Sometimes you don’t even know what you want until you have it. If you feel like your girlfriend has things you never even knew you wanted, she could be the right one for you. You might not be able to quantify exactly what is so perfect about her, but that doesn’t matter. As long as you feel like she’s the one, it could be true love. You might not think that you needed her to have biting wit or a sarcastic sense of humor, but it might end up being your very favorite thing about her.
She’s your best friend.
Having a relationship the stands the test of time can sometimes come down to something as simple as being friends with your girlfriend. She should be someone that you can go to no matter what you are dealing with. She should be someone that you feel you always want to spend time with. It doesn’t need to be purely sexual. You just need to be able to enjoy her presence in your life and never want to let her go. To make sure you don’t have to let her go, you need to know how to make your budding relationship last.